Like poetry? Welcome..!! :) Dont like poetry..?? I mean you really dont like poetry..??! Then bleh to you..!! ;)
Hi all, this is an exclusive site for poetry lovers, (me included ha). I personally feel that being a poet is the best profession or career, one can hope for. Because being a poet gives you the freedom to sit lydat for hours and hours on an end and stare into space or stare at whatever you want to. ;) And when some one asks you what exactly you are upto, you can say, "arre yaar, Im a POET..!!" whoa..!! That would be like sooo coool..!! :o) Not only this, you can also frown and pull faces at those who irritate you and tell them that you are planning to put down their reactions in verse..!! That would be cooler..!! :) And finally to be able to experience the joy of being a poet and reading out your poems to your friends..!! That would be the coolesttt..!! B-) Innit..??
Well, whether you like or do not like poetry really depends ha..on many factors..!! It would do me good to mention that yeah, there are a few poems which can instantly make you relly really wonder why you have even bothered to read it. :o/ But just a few ha.. mind..!!
But my poems are different..!! We are talking about my domain folks..!! :) So, my poetry is called AbStRacT POeTrY..!! whoa..!! ;o) So, read on..
Since it is exam time right now, here is a little something for all of ye.. 8)
Exams are sick,
They really irritate you..
sure, they make you scream and kick,
Coz' the lessons are just not few!

The impressions of your pen,
Hurt your poor hand.. :(
why exams come so often,
I seriously dont understand!
And finally when they finish,
We will never have the time to relish,
as the teachers are there to admonish,
Low marks are what they cherish!!
Oh, not-so-dear exams, we hate you so..
Why dont you just be gone?
they are evil forces, they wont go..
They leave you dead by dawn..!!
And you had better agree with me ha.. :o/ examzz..!!
Swati..!! :o)
Hey swats..
I thought the idea and its presentation was good. Keep writing and come up with a variety of topics... Do write something about ur flying babe..
super babes!! keep goin...finally u joined d wonderful world of bloggin!!!!
hey datz a kwel blog....cheerz buddy!
as for exams...
it matters less how they go..
it matters more that they go..... :)
gud post re...da way of ur presentation is good...btw iam vamsi...ur sis's frnd...nd i know how gud n gr8'l pilot.. tell you the truth...i am not a i am too impatient to write anything....nevertheless, i am a great thinker... :)
but thanks for your comment anyway....
hmm to be frank not impressive ,but i know its u r domain,so chaltaa hai,but i guess u can do much better,keep trying
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