No matter how much food me and my sister eat, my parents are always dissatisfied. :-| There were days when I used to scream in frustration, “Do you people want us to become sumo wrestlers?!” zap would come the reply, “please don’t put them to shame!!” >:( During one of those I-eat-no-you-don’t sessions, my mom recollected those ‘good old days’ when we could be bullied into eating. And that was the time when all the secrets came tumbling out..~!!
When I was a kid, I had trouble with food. As all young kids do. My sister also seemed to be having the same problem. No matter what, we were just unable to eat. While chocolates and ice creams were wolfed down within seconds, food took ages. Breakfast was a headache, lunch a pain, and dinner the heights of it..!! >:( And so, my clever momma devised many clever ways which made her two little girls eat their food without a word. And that too without obligations or violence. Beats you right..?! beats me as well, coz when I look back at those days, I realize how we’ve been cheated and how foolish we’ve been..!! :|
There was momma’s favorite raison d'ĂȘtre, ‘if you don’t eat, you’ll remain kids for the rest of your lives’..! Bleh..!! makes me a fool to have believed that one. How can I ever remain a kid for the rest of my life..?? (though I wouldn’t have complained :P) what a useless fool I’ve been..! And then there are the others, “If you do not eat, your tummy will shrivel up and you’ll remain short and bent!” I almost screamed at that one. How can anyone remain bent at the tummy..?? That meant I would have practically remained a right angle all my life..! whew.. more insults were to come my way.. :(
My momma recollected one favorite game of hers which tricked us into gulping down food without a word..!! It was famously called the ‘Charlie Chaplin’ game. This was one hell of a game neither me nor my sister would ever forget in our lives..!! The game was of course, my momma’s invention. It takes its roots from the legendary Charlie Chaplin, who was pretty fast at whatever he did. And so, accordingly, my mum would sit at the table with us, while we sat like fools. She would close her eyes and say, “Charlie Chaplin” and count up to ten, before which we were supposed to gobble up the food from our plates. Can you believe it, we really used to do so! We actually ate our food at top speed and replaced our glum faces with a look of pure triumph..!! Momma would then open her eyes and exclaim, while we'd sit there, grinning like two silly chaps. Grrr.. It was shame on our behalf to have fallen for that one!
But then, the game started to get boring as the days passed by. And it never worked in school due to two primary reasons, i) nobody clapped hands and shouted like mum used to when we’re done and ii) we have realized that we were being exploited with those silly games. :)
While we relished at the thought of being the brainiest tots who could see through a trap when there was one, mum used to come up with new ideas, phasing out the ones that were no longer working. She would think of several ways that could make us eat without fuss. My mum was quick to realize that rewards never worked, as there were lots of times when me and my sister tricked her into giving us what we wanted while mysteriously forgetting to give her what she wanted. He he he… :D So much for cheating..!! ;)
When mum realized that she has hit the dead end, she resorted to the most feared and the worst of all solutions – my Dad. She would make my dad sit at the dining table, while me and my sister ate like two sober cats, red faced and muted, exchanging dark looks. My dad never said a word, his presence was enough, and my mum was the happiest, chatting away to glory while we swallowed without a sound. The same thing happened to our pet doggie Bobby, as well. Even he used to eat his food without trying to act pricey like he used to with mum. At some point of time, he too must have realized that my dad was one person who cannot be tricked. he he..
I wonder how dads can be amazing and fearsome at the same time..~!! :o|
But things do change dramatically in life.. Innitt..?? While I sit and think of all these things, I’m overwhelmed at the purity and the innocence of all that has happened when I was a kid. Had I known that things would change as we grew, I would have been a better kid. ;) The change has been drastic. I remember the day my line manager told me to get used to having my meals all by myself. I smiled at her and told her I’d rather work extra than have lunch alone. Needless to say, she was pissed, but there was nothing I could do. How can anybody, who has a record of being chased and bullied into eating, and had lots of loving company at meals, suddenly turn into an emotionless, mechanical bot that guzzles down food without so much as a soul at least to smile at..?? :P
Thankfully, my folks at home still bully me when it comes to food. And I’m relieved, coz I have really started enjoying it, I have realized that it is for my own good, “after all these years”, says my poppa. :D
So much for life.. and yeah, so much for food! ;)
Swati..~!! :)
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
THe pRoVErBs oF thE fUtURe ArE hERE..!!
Proverbs have always proven useful for people of all ages over the years. We must always thank all those old wise men, who continue to pass their wisdom to their oh-not-so-wise successors. Wise are those great old men who have realized the worth of the next generation even before we came into existence. But then there are those exceptions, like me, who take up the task of passing on the legendary wisdom to the under-privileged. And that is why I come before you again, this time to pass on the great wisdom with a slight amount of modifications, which I was compelled to make. These, people, are the proverbs of the future! The proverbs that are not only going make you wise, but also give you loads of opportunity to GRoW while you still have the chance..!! :)
Proverbs and their possible explanations for the average college going student:
1. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.
~ One completed assignment is always better than two unfinished ones.
2. A stitch in time saves nine.
~ Attending classes just before the exams will save you from the embarrassment of flunking.
3. Out of sight, out of mind.
~ Absent teacher = what assignment are you taking about?!
4. Helping hands are better than praying lips
~ Giving your answer sheet to your buddy in the exam hall is a more effective way of helping him pass than by providing him with the xerox copies of your notes.
5. Empty vessels make much noise.
~ Empty note books can make you scream pretty badly.
6. All that glitters is not Gold.
~ Don’t fall for a college by the size of its campus!
7. A penny saved is a penny gained.
~ Spending your money on your friends is as good as saving money as they’re gonna spend on you when you’re broke!
8. An empty mind is the devil’s workshop.
~ That’s why keep yourself occupied by hanging out late with friends and partying until late.
9. There is no use crying over spilt milk.
~ There is no point in cribbing over the exams you have screwed up last semester. Instead, think of the time you have till the next semester and enjoy.
10. Heart is where the home is.
~ You heart is always in the canteen.
11. Time and tide wait for none!
~ Which is why you must always enjoy your college life instead of attending those never ending classes.
12. Don’t judge a book by its cover.
~ Sometimes even the smallest and most harmless looking chapters can make you stay up all night!
13. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
~ No wonder we cling on to our note books in the last minute after whiling away all our time!
14. A friend in need is a friend in deed.
~ A true friend is the one who realizes that you don’t have notes and proceeds to get her notes Xeroxed.
15. Too many cooks spoil the broth.
~ With all those extra classes and special tuitions, its no small wonder that you flunk!
16. Make hay while sun shines.
~ Finish your assignment while you still have a couple of hours left until dawn!
17. Lull before the storm.
~ Preparation holidays.
18. Sweet are the fruits of labour.
~ Sexy are the holidays that follow.
Enjoy People..!! :)
Swati..!! :o)
Proverbs and their possible explanations for the average college going student:
1. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.
~ One completed assignment is always better than two unfinished ones.
2. A stitch in time saves nine.
~ Attending classes just before the exams will save you from the embarrassment of flunking.
3. Out of sight, out of mind.
~ Absent teacher = what assignment are you taking about?!
4. Helping hands are better than praying lips
~ Giving your answer sheet to your buddy in the exam hall is a more effective way of helping him pass than by providing him with the xerox copies of your notes.
5. Empty vessels make much noise.
~ Empty note books can make you scream pretty badly.
6. All that glitters is not Gold.
~ Don’t fall for a college by the size of its campus!
7. A penny saved is a penny gained.
~ Spending your money on your friends is as good as saving money as they’re gonna spend on you when you’re broke!
8. An empty mind is the devil’s workshop.
~ That’s why keep yourself occupied by hanging out late with friends and partying until late.
9. There is no use crying over spilt milk.
~ There is no point in cribbing over the exams you have screwed up last semester. Instead, think of the time you have till the next semester and enjoy.
10. Heart is where the home is.
~ You heart is always in the canteen.
11. Time and tide wait for none!
~ Which is why you must always enjoy your college life instead of attending those never ending classes.
12. Don’t judge a book by its cover.
~ Sometimes even the smallest and most harmless looking chapters can make you stay up all night!
13. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
~ No wonder we cling on to our note books in the last minute after whiling away all our time!
14. A friend in need is a friend in deed.
~ A true friend is the one who realizes that you don’t have notes and proceeds to get her notes Xeroxed.
15. Too many cooks spoil the broth.
~ With all those extra classes and special tuitions, its no small wonder that you flunk!
16. Make hay while sun shines.
~ Finish your assignment while you still have a couple of hours left until dawn!
17. Lull before the storm.
~ Preparation holidays.
18. Sweet are the fruits of labour.
~ Sexy are the holidays that follow.
Enjoy People..!! :)
Swati..!! :o)
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
'A ReAl TrUe SToRy' :)
Im a great story freak. I simply love stories and keep reading and rereading Grimm's Tales and Arabian Nights and Hans Fairy Tales. No matter what, I've seen that most of us are almost always ready for a good story. Only if it is good ha, mind.. But then there are a few others, who would go pffffftt at the mere mention of a story, well, bleh to them all..!! 8) So, as the story goes, I've heard of a good one when I was still in school, and it was the most truest story I've ever heard. I have always wanted to share it with all my people. Those who have listened to it said that it was the best story ever..!! :) So people, go on and read it.. and plz leave behind a comment.. ;) lolllzzz..!!! :o)
And ha, one more thing.. I must not forget to mention that this particular story was not written by me.. I have just modified it and produced it in my own style. I've only heard it from someone and just wanted to share it with you all.. I dont like to copy other people's stuff ya.. whaddya think..?! 8)
As the story goes, there were four good friends once upon a time. :) An Onion, a Chilli, a Tomato and an Ice cube. Now these four were the best of friends and hung around together always. They lived in a forest very happily, pleased with eachother's company and happy with the life they were leading. Now, since they were of the adventurous type, they decide to leave the forest for a while and take a peek at city life. And so they went, all four of them, hand in hand. :) Now, what is life without difficulties and sorrows..?? If it were to go as smoothly and happily as possible, it wouldn't be called life at all..!! And so, the four friends come across a deep river on the way. The river was small, but the current was strong and the water was deep. It so happens that the river has to be crossed in order to reach the city. The desire to go to the city overcomes the fear of the deep river in all four of them. So, they hold hands tightly and get into the river.. The moment they set foot in the river, the strong current pulls at them from all sides. The Ice cube, being made of water, melts in the strong water and dies. The three friends reach the opposite bank and cry bitterly over the loss of their dear friend. They realize that there is no point in turning back anymore, so they move on, heads down in deep sorrow.
In a short while they reach the city. And to their utter disappointment, the city appears to be a place inhibited by mad people..!! The traffic, the congested roads, the smoke, the poor animals, the cramped houses, and the people themselves were too much for the three friends to take. So, they decide to head back when they come across a movie theatre on the way. Since none of them has ever been to a movie before, they decide to go, in a hope that they could forget the loss of their best buddy, the Ice cube. In the theatre, it is all dark and cool. They take off their shoes and sit in the comfortable seats. They were still adjusting themselves to the new environment when a fat and pudgy man wobbles in and sits in the chair which the tomato has occupied. The Chilli and the Onion freeze as the fat men gets up, curses and wipes away the fleshy remains of the tomato, with no emotion or feelings at all. This was too much for the Onion and the Chilli, who get up and run away from the theatre, too shocked about the sudden death of the Tomato.
They run along the busy streets for a while, unsure of where to go and what to do, when the Chilli collapses amidst heaving sobs. The Onion goes back to his friend and together they cry, cursing themselves for having ever thought of coming to the city. They realize that they have had enough of the city and trace back to the forest. But unfortunately for them, it was not meant to be. A street hawker selling pakoras, spots the green and fat Chilli and picks him up. In a trice he cuts him into pieces and fries him along with the pakoras.
The Onion, the sole survivor of the drama goes numb with shock and grief. In his grief, he remembers God, just as we all do. He goes to God and says, "Dear God, when my friend the Ice cube died, all three of us shed tears for him. When my friend the Tomato died, Chilli and I cried for him. When Chilli died I was overcome with sorrow for him and shed tears", tears welled up in the Onion's eyes as he asked God, "who will shed tears for me when I die..???!" So saying, he fell at God's feet and cried bitterly. God, a gentle guy that he is, took pity on the poor Onion and said, "son, you have been a very good Onion, I therefore bestow upon you one gift, may whoever kill you cry..!"
That is how the story ends. :) Just as I've said..!! That this was the most truest story I've ever heard. ;o) Now, go and tell this to all your friends, 'A Real True Story'..!! :)
Swati..!! :o)
And ha, one more thing.. I must not forget to mention that this particular story was not written by me.. I have just modified it and produced it in my own style. I've only heard it from someone and just wanted to share it with you all.. I dont like to copy other people's stuff ya.. whaddya think..?! 8)
As the story goes, there were four good friends once upon a time. :) An Onion, a Chilli, a Tomato and an Ice cube. Now these four were the best of friends and hung around together always. They lived in a forest very happily, pleased with eachother's company and happy with the life they were leading. Now, since they were of the adventurous type, they decide to leave the forest for a while and take a peek at city life. And so they went, all four of them, hand in hand. :) Now, what is life without difficulties and sorrows..?? If it were to go as smoothly and happily as possible, it wouldn't be called life at all..!! And so, the four friends come across a deep river on the way. The river was small, but the current was strong and the water was deep. It so happens that the river has to be crossed in order to reach the city. The desire to go to the city overcomes the fear of the deep river in all four of them. So, they hold hands tightly and get into the river.. The moment they set foot in the river, the strong current pulls at them from all sides. The Ice cube, being made of water, melts in the strong water and dies. The three friends reach the opposite bank and cry bitterly over the loss of their dear friend. They realize that there is no point in turning back anymore, so they move on, heads down in deep sorrow.
In a short while they reach the city. And to their utter disappointment, the city appears to be a place inhibited by mad people..!! The traffic, the congested roads, the smoke, the poor animals, the cramped houses, and the people themselves were too much for the three friends to take. So, they decide to head back when they come across a movie theatre on the way. Since none of them has ever been to a movie before, they decide to go, in a hope that they could forget the loss of their best buddy, the Ice cube. In the theatre, it is all dark and cool. They take off their shoes and sit in the comfortable seats. They were still adjusting themselves to the new environment when a fat and pudgy man wobbles in and sits in the chair which the tomato has occupied. The Chilli and the Onion freeze as the fat men gets up, curses and wipes away the fleshy remains of the tomato, with no emotion or feelings at all. This was too much for the Onion and the Chilli, who get up and run away from the theatre, too shocked about the sudden death of the Tomato.
They run along the busy streets for a while, unsure of where to go and what to do, when the Chilli collapses amidst heaving sobs. The Onion goes back to his friend and together they cry, cursing themselves for having ever thought of coming to the city. They realize that they have had enough of the city and trace back to the forest. But unfortunately for them, it was not meant to be. A street hawker selling pakoras, spots the green and fat Chilli and picks him up. In a trice he cuts him into pieces and fries him along with the pakoras.
The Onion, the sole survivor of the drama goes numb with shock and grief. In his grief, he remembers God, just as we all do. He goes to God and says, "Dear God, when my friend the Ice cube died, all three of us shed tears for him. When my friend the Tomato died, Chilli and I cried for him. When Chilli died I was overcome with sorrow for him and shed tears", tears welled up in the Onion's eyes as he asked God, "who will shed tears for me when I die..???!" So saying, he fell at God's feet and cried bitterly. God, a gentle guy that he is, took pity on the poor Onion and said, "son, you have been a very good Onion, I therefore bestow upon you one gift, may whoever kill you cry..!"
That is how the story ends. :) Just as I've said..!! That this was the most truest story I've ever heard. ;o) Now, go and tell this to all your friends, 'A Real True Story'..!! :)
Swati..!! :o)
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
My dearest bobby.. I love you.. :)
Its high time I wrote about my favourite topic.. animals.. :) hmm.. Its like I love them so much that I just dont know where to start from.. okie.. lemme give it a try.. ;)
I had a pet doggie when I was a kid.. :) he was a dalmation, named bobby. His actual and official name was spotty.. ;) somehow he became bobby.. :oD he came to us when he was just 18 days old, small and frail.. :) a few drops of milk and his tummy would bulge..! :D He was a very active chap.. very mischevious and extremely naughty..!! no bed sheet was ever spared or no piece of furniture was ever left untouched by our smashing, curvy tailed friend.. Infact our dining table still contains memories of those good olden days where he sat beneath it and happily chewed away the wood to glory.. we had to do away with the cushions coz they became more than useless after the onslaught.. :D Balls made of cork were his speciality actually.. :o) tore them into bits in a matter of minutes..!! whatever went through this guys teeth could never be repaired, even by the Gods themselves..!! ;) and so we had him, for three and a half years.. he became as important as a member of the family.. oh heck..! he was a member of our family..!! :)
It was always bobby this or bobby that..! He accompanied us everywhere..!! Even to the beach, where he once chased a fair skinned, blonde foreign girl.. ;) he was a guy too.. after all..!! 8) And oh, it could also be because he was never put on the leash..!! He just wore a thick silver chain around his neck whom nobody ever dared touch..!! :oD The only time we left him all alone and went out was when he was still 4months old.. only for twenty minutes mind..! my mother has never regretted anything that badly all her life..!! ;oD Dad's half chewn telephone dictionaries and precious joke books serve as a beautiful reminder of all those things that happened eons ago.. things so innocent and kiddish, that only a pet owner can understand.. :)
Bobby's bath is an ordeal in itself.. a saga so dramatic that it involved the entire family, along with the neighboring kids and aunties and uncles peeping in from their windows..!! Like the eros and thanatos, bobby had someother instinct that told him of an upcoming bath much before we ourselves decided..!! He would go into hiding, under the bed, into a bush or would turn himself into a rock so hard that it became impossible to move him..!! :D after dragging him along, dad would put him on the leash, so that he wouldn't run away..!! :D And then it would start, first the brushing, then pouring water and then applying some special doggie soap that smelt of rose and neem leaves.. ;) bobby would stand and stare at us pathetically while dad washed him from top to toe, including the gaps between his fingers..!! :) The aftermath of his bath usually began with bobby shaking himslef dry so vigorously that everybody in the vicinity ended up smelling of rose and neem leaves..!! ;oD Bobby would run away the moment dad released the clasp and jump about the house, wagging his tail like a prop and sprinkling water everywhere..! :) silly chap..!
On his first birthday, bobby suffered an epileptic seizure.. we did not know what it was back then, but later we were told that he had Brain Tumor.. It became very clear that he would not be with us for long.. that was when we realized that animals can have brain tumors too..
One summer we had planned a trip to Orissa.. along with a few of our relatives.. So we went.. for a week.. it had been the most terrible week of our lives.. Bobby, left to the care of my grand mother, had been making things scary for them.. He wouldn't eat.. he wouldn't drink.. he wouldn't even take his medicine.. we were practically stuck.. a situation so terrible that we returned back as fast as we could.. that evening, bobby did not come tumbling down the stairs to meet us.. he lay there in the hall.. panting and wagging his tail weakly.. he ate his food that evening after my dad coaxed him for nearly an hour.. he ate very little, directly from my dad's hands.. while lying down in his lap.. that night, bobby breathed his last.. in my dad's arms..
Though I know that bobby was a thing of the past, I never knew that he would leave behind an impression so big that the void he has created can never be filled.. I keep thinking of him all the time, if he has safely reached God or if he has taken birth elsewhere.. I dont know where people go after death, but bobby certainly deserves heaven for being what he is.. a good, loyal and friendly member of our family..
I had a pet doggie when I was a kid.. :) he was a dalmation, named bobby. His actual and official name was spotty.. ;) somehow he became bobby.. :oD he came to us when he was just 18 days old, small and frail.. :) a few drops of milk and his tummy would bulge..! :D He was a very active chap.. very mischevious and extremely naughty..!! no bed sheet was ever spared or no piece of furniture was ever left untouched by our smashing, curvy tailed friend.. Infact our dining table still contains memories of those good olden days where he sat beneath it and happily chewed away the wood to glory.. we had to do away with the cushions coz they became more than useless after the onslaught.. :D Balls made of cork were his speciality actually.. :o) tore them into bits in a matter of minutes..!! whatever went through this guys teeth could never be repaired, even by the Gods themselves..!! ;) and so we had him, for three and a half years.. he became as important as a member of the family.. oh heck..! he was a member of our family..!! :)
It was always bobby this or bobby that..! He accompanied us everywhere..!! Even to the beach, where he once chased a fair skinned, blonde foreign girl.. ;) he was a guy too.. after all..!! 8) And oh, it could also be because he was never put on the leash..!! He just wore a thick silver chain around his neck whom nobody ever dared touch..!! :oD The only time we left him all alone and went out was when he was still 4months old.. only for twenty minutes mind..! my mother has never regretted anything that badly all her life..!! ;oD Dad's half chewn telephone dictionaries and precious joke books serve as a beautiful reminder of all those things that happened eons ago.. things so innocent and kiddish, that only a pet owner can understand.. :)
Bobby's bath is an ordeal in itself.. a saga so dramatic that it involved the entire family, along with the neighboring kids and aunties and uncles peeping in from their windows..!! Like the eros and thanatos, bobby had someother instinct that told him of an upcoming bath much before we ourselves decided..!! He would go into hiding, under the bed, into a bush or would turn himself into a rock so hard that it became impossible to move him..!! :D after dragging him along, dad would put him on the leash, so that he wouldn't run away..!! :D And then it would start, first the brushing, then pouring water and then applying some special doggie soap that smelt of rose and neem leaves.. ;) bobby would stand and stare at us pathetically while dad washed him from top to toe, including the gaps between his fingers..!! :) The aftermath of his bath usually began with bobby shaking himslef dry so vigorously that everybody in the vicinity ended up smelling of rose and neem leaves..!! ;oD Bobby would run away the moment dad released the clasp and jump about the house, wagging his tail like a prop and sprinkling water everywhere..! :) silly chap..!
On his first birthday, bobby suffered an epileptic seizure.. we did not know what it was back then, but later we were told that he had Brain Tumor.. It became very clear that he would not be with us for long.. that was when we realized that animals can have brain tumors too..
One summer we had planned a trip to Orissa.. along with a few of our relatives.. So we went.. for a week.. it had been the most terrible week of our lives.. Bobby, left to the care of my grand mother, had been making things scary for them.. He wouldn't eat.. he wouldn't drink.. he wouldn't even take his medicine.. we were practically stuck.. a situation so terrible that we returned back as fast as we could.. that evening, bobby did not come tumbling down the stairs to meet us.. he lay there in the hall.. panting and wagging his tail weakly.. he ate his food that evening after my dad coaxed him for nearly an hour.. he ate very little, directly from my dad's hands.. while lying down in his lap.. that night, bobby breathed his last.. in my dad's arms..
Though I know that bobby was a thing of the past, I never knew that he would leave behind an impression so big that the void he has created can never be filled.. I keep thinking of him all the time, if he has safely reached God or if he has taken birth elsewhere.. I dont know where people go after death, but bobby certainly deserves heaven for being what he is.. a good, loyal and friendly member of our family..
Sunday, April 27, 2008
~AbStRacT POeTrY~
Let's talk in verse..!! :)
Like poetry? Welcome..!! :) Dont like poetry..?? I mean you really dont like poetry..??! Then bleh to you..!! ;)
Hi all, this is an exclusive site for poetry lovers, (me included ha). I personally feel that being a poet is the best profession or career, one can hope for. Because being a poet gives you the freedom to sit lydat for hours and hours on an end and stare into space or stare at whatever you want to. ;) And when some one asks you what exactly you are upto, you can say, "arre yaar, Im a POET..!!" whoa..!! That would be like sooo coool..!! :o) Not only this, you can also frown and pull faces at those who irritate you and tell them that you are planning to put down their reactions in verse..!! That would be cooler..!! :) And finally to be able to experience the joy of being a poet and reading out your poems to your friends..!! That would be the coolesttt..!! B-) Innit..??
Well, whether you like or do not like poetry really depends ha..on many factors..!! It would do me good to mention that yeah, there are a few poems which can instantly make you relly really wonder why you have even bothered to read it. :o/ But just a few ha.. mind..!!
But my poems are different..!! We are talking about my domain folks..!! :) So, my poetry is called AbStRacT POeTrY..!! whoa..!! ;o) So, read on..
Since it is exam time right now, here is a little something for all of ye.. 8)
Exams are sick,
They really irritate you..
sure, they make you scream and kick,
Coz' the lessons are just not few!

The impressions of your pen,
Hurt your poor hand.. :(
why exams come so often,
I seriously dont understand!
And finally when they finish,
We will never have the time to relish,
as the teachers are there to admonish,
Low marks are what they cherish!!
Oh, not-so-dear exams, we hate you so..
Why dont you just be gone?
they are evil forces, they wont go..
They leave you dead by dawn..!!
And you had better agree with me ha.. :o/ examzz..!!
Swati..!! :o)
Like poetry? Welcome..!! :) Dont like poetry..?? I mean you really dont like poetry..??! Then bleh to you..!! ;)
Hi all, this is an exclusive site for poetry lovers, (me included ha). I personally feel that being a poet is the best profession or career, one can hope for. Because being a poet gives you the freedom to sit lydat for hours and hours on an end and stare into space or stare at whatever you want to. ;) And when some one asks you what exactly you are upto, you can say, "arre yaar, Im a POET..!!" whoa..!! That would be like sooo coool..!! :o) Not only this, you can also frown and pull faces at those who irritate you and tell them that you are planning to put down their reactions in verse..!! That would be cooler..!! :) And finally to be able to experience the joy of being a poet and reading out your poems to your friends..!! That would be the coolesttt..!! B-) Innit..??
Well, whether you like or do not like poetry really depends ha..on many factors..!! It would do me good to mention that yeah, there are a few poems which can instantly make you relly really wonder why you have even bothered to read it. :o/ But just a few ha.. mind..!!
But my poems are different..!! We are talking about my domain folks..!! :) So, my poetry is called AbStRacT POeTrY..!! whoa..!! ;o) So, read on..
Since it is exam time right now, here is a little something for all of ye.. 8)
Exams are sick,
They really irritate you..
sure, they make you scream and kick,
Coz' the lessons are just not few!

The impressions of your pen,
Hurt your poor hand.. :(
why exams come so often,
I seriously dont understand!
And finally when they finish,
We will never have the time to relish,
as the teachers are there to admonish,
Low marks are what they cherish!!
Oh, not-so-dear exams, we hate you so..
Why dont you just be gone?
they are evil forces, they wont go..
They leave you dead by dawn..!!
And you had better agree with me ha.. :o/ examzz..!!
Swati..!! :o)
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Which type of bird are you..?? :)
Date of birth
Type of Bird
21 Jan - 17 Feb

A cool exterior disguises a fiery temper and is very opinionated - although those opinions are not always shared by everyone. They are proud and particularly home-loving , although have a tendency to be quarrelsome.
18 Feb - 17 March

Goldfinch people are colorful characters who are sensitive and always alert. They are gregarious by nature and love being in groups of people, which offers them security. They need to find an outlet for their imaginative abilities or they are sometimes be in danger of becoming nervous and irritable.
18 March - 14 April

A powerful individual which displays courage and a sometimes ruthless determination. Avoids problematical obstacles with skill , although must be fully targeted so as not to waste energy in fruitless chases for the impossible.
15 April - 12 May

Has a tendency to have a mind that wanders , but when in search of a particular goal , will travel great lengths to achieve it. Occasionally , the albatross may become caught up in things it shouldn't when not seeing clearly enough.
13 May - 9 June

Peace-loving by nature , doves will bill and coo about things close to their heart. They enjoy a fulfilling love-life and rarely fail to satisfy. They are also patient , adaptable and personable. Their lack of aggression sometimes makes them the victim of more predatory characters.
10 June- 7 July

A well-respected figure which has excellent visionary qualities. Eagles will truck no nonsense and will fix opponents with a powerful stare. They have the power to rise above the trivial aspects of humanity, and are highly talented.
8 July- 4 August

More often heard before being seen , nightingales always have something to say for themselves. They are however very much in tune with their partners. Their unimpressive exterior hides a personality that is just waiting to burst out.
5 August - 1 Sept

Another flamboyant and colorful character that is always exciting to encounter. They rush around at great speed and have a close spiritual affinity with water. They have a sharp and perceptive head on them , but can make them impetuous enough to dive in where others would fear to go.
2 Sept - 29 Sept

The swan is a complex character. While appearing on the surface as a calm and relaxed individual , underneath they are working hard to keep up with the pace of modern life. If provoked their natural graceful demeanor can give way to a violent temper which puts them in a flap. They are definitely someone to have on your side.
30 Sept - 27 Oct

A tough , hard-working character with plenty of stamina. Has no problem drumming up support for their ideas , no matter how wacky they seem. With a lateral-thinking mind they are skilled at dissecting problems and seeing the wood for the trees. However , with their noisy and exuberant lifestyle , you might not want to have one as a neighbor.
28 Oct - 24 Nov

A sharp brain helps kestrel people hover from one subject to another without losing concentration. They focus on their life's goal with a single-minded focus , not flustered by what is going on around them. A confidence in their own ability helps them to soar to heights others may only dream of.
25 Nov - 23 Dec

Always impressive, raven people are a tower of strength. They are more intelligent than their peers and are adept problem-solvers. They enjoy challenges are stimulated by wild and exposed places.
24 Dec - 20 Jan

Heron people are deceptive. Although they may be solitary individuals for much of the time , they nevertheless have a need to settle in busy communities where they know everyone else. They may get bogged down as they wade the course of life , but have broad enough shoulders to cope with weighty issues. But their insecure nature often leads them to fish for compliments.
Type of Bird
21 Jan - 17 Feb

A cool exterior disguises a fiery temper and is very opinionated - although those opinions are not always shared by everyone. They are proud and particularly home-loving , although have a tendency to be quarrelsome.
18 Feb - 17 March

Goldfinch people are colorful characters who are sensitive and always alert. They are gregarious by nature and love being in groups of people, which offers them security. They need to find an outlet for their imaginative abilities or they are sometimes be in danger of becoming nervous and irritable.
18 March - 14 April

A powerful individual which displays courage and a sometimes ruthless determination. Avoids problematical obstacles with skill , although must be fully targeted so as not to waste energy in fruitless chases for the impossible.
15 April - 12 May

Has a tendency to have a mind that wanders , but when in search of a particular goal , will travel great lengths to achieve it. Occasionally , the albatross may become caught up in things it shouldn't when not seeing clearly enough.
13 May - 9 June

Peace-loving by nature , doves will bill and coo about things close to their heart. They enjoy a fulfilling love-life and rarely fail to satisfy. They are also patient , adaptable and personable. Their lack of aggression sometimes makes them the victim of more predatory characters.
10 June- 7 July

A well-respected figure which has excellent visionary qualities. Eagles will truck no nonsense and will fix opponents with a powerful stare. They have the power to rise above the trivial aspects of humanity, and are highly talented.
8 July- 4 August

More often heard before being seen , nightingales always have something to say for themselves. They are however very much in tune with their partners. Their unimpressive exterior hides a personality that is just waiting to burst out.
5 August - 1 Sept

Another flamboyant and colorful character that is always exciting to encounter. They rush around at great speed and have a close spiritual affinity with water. They have a sharp and perceptive head on them , but can make them impetuous enough to dive in where others would fear to go.
2 Sept - 29 Sept

The swan is a complex character. While appearing on the surface as a calm and relaxed individual , underneath they are working hard to keep up with the pace of modern life. If provoked their natural graceful demeanor can give way to a violent temper which puts them in a flap. They are definitely someone to have on your side.
30 Sept - 27 Oct

A tough , hard-working character with plenty of stamina. Has no problem drumming up support for their ideas , no matter how wacky they seem. With a lateral-thinking mind they are skilled at dissecting problems and seeing the wood for the trees. However , with their noisy and exuberant lifestyle , you might not want to have one as a neighbor.
28 Oct - 24 Nov

A sharp brain helps kestrel people hover from one subject to another without losing concentration. They focus on their life's goal with a single-minded focus , not flustered by what is going on around them. A confidence in their own ability helps them to soar to heights others may only dream of.
25 Nov - 23 Dec

Always impressive, raven people are a tower of strength. They are more intelligent than their peers and are adept problem-solvers. They enjoy challenges are stimulated by wild and exposed places.
24 Dec - 20 Jan

Heron people are deceptive. Although they may be solitary individuals for much of the time , they nevertheless have a need to settle in busy communities where they know everyone else. They may get bogged down as they wade the course of life , but have broad enough shoulders to cope with weighty issues. But their insecure nature often leads them to fish for compliments.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Check your sun sign..!! :)
VIRGO - The One that Waits
Dominant in relationships. Someone loves them right now. Always want to have the last word. Caring. Smart. Loud. Loyal. Easy to talk to. Get everything they ever want. Easy to please. The one and only.
SCORPIO - The Addict
EXTREMELY adorable. Intelligent. Loves to joke. Very Good sense of humor. Energetic. Predict future. GREAT kissers. Always get what they want. Attractive. Easy going. Love being in long relationships. Talkative. Romantic. Caring.
LIBRA - The Lame One
Nice to everyone they meet. Their Love is one of a kind. Silly, funny and sweet. Have their own unique appeal. Most caring person you will ever meet! However not the kind of person you wanna mess with ... u might end up crying...
ARIES - The Liar
Outgoing. Lovable. Spontaneous. Not one to mess with. Funny. Excellent kissers EXTREMELY adorable. Love relationships, Addictive. Loud.
AQUARIUS - Does It In The Water
Trustworthy. Attractive. Great kissers. One of a kind. Loves being in long-term relationships. Extremely energetic. Unpredictable. Will exceed your expectations. Not a Fighter, But will Knock your lights out.
GEMINI - Irresistible
Nice. Love is one of a kind. Great listeners. Very Good in the you know where... Lover not a fighter, but will still knock you out. Trustworthy. Always happy. Loud. Talkative. Outgoing, VERY FORGIVING. Loves to make out. Has a beautiful smile. Generous. Strong. THE MOST IRRESISTIBLE.
LEO - The Lion
Great talker. Attractive and passionate. Laid back. Knows how to have fun. Are really good at almost anything. Great kissers. Unpredictable. Outgoing. Down to earth. Addictive. Attractive. Loud. Love being in long relationships. Talkative. Not the ones to mess with. Rare to find. Good when found.
CANCER - The Cutie
MOST AMAZING KISSER. Very high appeal. Love is one of a kind. Very romantic. Most caring persons you will ever meet! Entirely creative. Extremely random and proud of it. Freak. Spontaneous. Great at telling stories. Not a Fighter, But will Knock your lights out if it comes down to it. Someone you should hold on to.
PISCES - The Partner for Life
Caring and kind. Smart. Center of attention. High appeal. Has the last word. Good to find, hard to keep. Fun to be around. Extremely weird but in a good way. Good Sense of Humor!!! Thoughtful. Always gets what he or she wants. Loves to joke. Very popular. Silly, funny and sweet.
CAPRICORN - The Passionate Lover
Love to talk. Nice. Sassy. Intelligent. Sexy. Predicts the future. Irresistible. Loves being in long relationships. Great talkers. Always gets what he or she wants. Cool. Loves to own Gemini's in sports. Extremely funny. Loves to joke. Smart.
TAURUS - The Tramp
Aggressive. Loves being in long relationships. Likes to give a good fight for what they want. Extremely outgoing. Love to help people in times of need. Good kissers. Good personality. Stubborn. Caring people. One of a kind. Not the ones to mess with. Are the most attractive people on earth!
SAGITTARIUS - The Promiscuous One
Spontaneous. High appeal. Rare to find. Great when found. Love being in long relationships. So much love to give. Very pretty. Very romantic. Nice to everyone they meet. Their Love is one of a kind. Silly, funny and sweet. Have their own unique appeal. Most caring person you will ever meet! Amazing in the you know where..!!!
Dominant in relationships. Someone loves them right now. Always want to have the last word. Caring. Smart. Loud. Loyal. Easy to talk to. Get everything they ever want. Easy to please. The one and only.
SCORPIO - The Addict
EXTREMELY adorable. Intelligent. Loves to joke. Very Good sense of humor. Energetic. Predict future. GREAT kissers. Always get what they want. Attractive. Easy going. Love being in long relationships. Talkative. Romantic. Caring.
LIBRA - The Lame One
Nice to everyone they meet. Their Love is one of a kind. Silly, funny and sweet. Have their own unique appeal. Most caring person you will ever meet! However not the kind of person you wanna mess with ... u might end up crying...
ARIES - The Liar
Outgoing. Lovable. Spontaneous. Not one to mess with. Funny. Excellent kissers EXTREMELY adorable. Love relationships, Addictive. Loud.
AQUARIUS - Does It In The Water
Trustworthy. Attractive. Great kissers. One of a kind. Loves being in long-term relationships. Extremely energetic. Unpredictable. Will exceed your expectations. Not a Fighter, But will Knock your lights out.
GEMINI - Irresistible
Nice. Love is one of a kind. Great listeners. Very Good in the you know where... Lover not a fighter, but will still knock you out. Trustworthy. Always happy. Loud. Talkative. Outgoing, VERY FORGIVING. Loves to make out. Has a beautiful smile. Generous. Strong. THE MOST IRRESISTIBLE.
LEO - The Lion
Great talker. Attractive and passionate. Laid back. Knows how to have fun. Are really good at almost anything. Great kissers. Unpredictable. Outgoing. Down to earth. Addictive. Attractive. Loud. Love being in long relationships. Talkative. Not the ones to mess with. Rare to find. Good when found.
CANCER - The Cutie
MOST AMAZING KISSER. Very high appeal. Love is one of a kind. Very romantic. Most caring persons you will ever meet! Entirely creative. Extremely random and proud of it. Freak. Spontaneous. Great at telling stories. Not a Fighter, But will Knock your lights out if it comes down to it. Someone you should hold on to.
PISCES - The Partner for Life
Caring and kind. Smart. Center of attention. High appeal. Has the last word. Good to find, hard to keep. Fun to be around. Extremely weird but in a good way. Good Sense of Humor!!! Thoughtful. Always gets what he or she wants. Loves to joke. Very popular. Silly, funny and sweet.
CAPRICORN - The Passionate Lover
Love to talk. Nice. Sassy. Intelligent. Sexy. Predicts the future. Irresistible. Loves being in long relationships. Great talkers. Always gets what he or she wants. Cool. Loves to own Gemini's in sports. Extremely funny. Loves to joke. Smart.
TAURUS - The Tramp
Aggressive. Loves being in long relationships. Likes to give a good fight for what they want. Extremely outgoing. Love to help people in times of need. Good kissers. Good personality. Stubborn. Caring people. One of a kind. Not the ones to mess with. Are the most attractive people on earth!
SAGITTARIUS - The Promiscuous One
Spontaneous. High appeal. Rare to find. Great when found. Love being in long relationships. So much love to give. Very pretty. Very romantic. Nice to everyone they meet. Their Love is one of a kind. Silly, funny and sweet. Have their own unique appeal. Most caring person you will ever meet! Amazing in the you know where..!!!
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